Hello, World.

I'm David Fritcher.

Unity 3D C# Developer Solution Engineer

More About Me

Let me introduce myself.

Profile Picture

Software developer with 13 years of experience. Worked on small to large scale projects with many diverse teams. My career started in web development and then transitioned to game development. Using the Unity 3D game engine to create fun interactive experiences.


I love all things nerdy. I play video games in my free time. When I'm not staring at a computer monitor I like to get outside and go for a nice hike in the Arizona mountains. When it gets too hot I dabble in art by drawing and doing 3D modeling in Blender.

  • Fullname: David Wayne Fritcher
  • Birth Date: May 5th, 1977
  • Job: C# Developer
  • Email: dfritcher@gmail.com


My primary focus is in the C# .Net language, but I have spent time with other technologies.

  • 90%
  • 45%
    Unity 3D
  • 30%
  • 50%
  • 75%

More of my credentials.

Built scalable solutions to fit the need of the project.

Work Experience

Senior Software Engineer

May 2022 - June 1023

Niantic Labs

Worked on the Data Analytics team building client side solutions for game teams. Implemented a newsfeed service that provided game news across several games.

Unity 3D Application Developer

October 2019 - May 2022

Caterpillar Inc

Developed and maintained an authoring tool, which allowed troubleshooting large construction equipment. Worked with subject matter experts to turn ideas into reality.

Unity 3d Game Developer

March 2017 - September 2019

Underbite Games

Took part in development of a turn based hero strategy game with a small indie team. Built out extensive UI for custom character creation screen.


Bachelor's Degree

July 2008 - 2010

Davenport University

Graduated with a focus on game theory and Design.


Check Out Some of My Works.

Most of my professional work is proprietary and cannot be displayed. These are a list of personal projects I've created to sharpen my skills.


What Can I Do For You?

Always ready to turn ideas into reality. Do you have a position or project that needs work. Let's work together and drag it into the light.


Projects Worked On


Bugs Squashed


Amazing Discussions


Crazy Ideas


Coffee Cups


Hours Spent Learning

I'd Love To Hear From You.

Have something you want to discuss. Send me a message and we'll setup time to chat.

Where to find me

Marana, AZ
85653 US

Email Me At


Call Me At

Mobile: (+517) 803-9620